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Who We Are:

Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church was organized officially on October 20, 1983. Our congregation belongs to the denomination of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. The Protestant Reformed Churches are a denomination of 31 churches and over 7800 members in the United States and Canada. Founded as a separate denomination of Reformed churches in 1924, the PRC stands in the tradition of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. Their origin as a denomination was the doctrinal controversy over "common grace" within the Christian Reformed Church in the early 1920s, occasioned by that church's adoption of the doctrine of common grace as official church dogma. The result of the controversy was that several ministers with their congregations were put out of the Christian Reformed Church. These men then established the Protestant Reformed Churches (PRC) on the basis of the truth of God's sovereign, particular grace in Jesus Christ as taught in Scripture.


General Information

Order of Worship


Call to Worship/Silent Prayer

*Doxology (Song of Praise) - "Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flows"

*Votum and Salutation

*Congregational Singing

Reading of Law and Summary - AM

*Apostle's Creed (Unison) - PM

*Congregational Singing

Congregational Prayer


*Congregational Singing

Reading of Scripture

Preaching of the Gospel

*Congregational Singing

*Doxology - AM #199; PM #196




Song Service is held at 4:45 pm on the first Sunday 

of every month as a prelude to the worship service.


An asterisk (*) denotes congregation standing

©2022 Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church. All Rights Reserved.

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